Adding Value to Your Firm = Adding Value to Yourself

Everyone wants to see their firm grow in value.  This is the reason that anyone owns or starts a law practice.  I understand that people have other reasons for running a law firm, but we would all be lying if making money and growing in value wasn’t right near the top of the list.

One of the best ways to add value is to invest in something that you can trust and influence.  That something is you.  As an attorney the product or service that you are selling is yourself.  People are buying your knowledge, experience, ability, and trust.  By investing in yourself you provide value to your clients, your practice and yourself.  Many people associate value with something outside of themselves, when in fact they are the rate limiting factor and by investing in anything other than themselves is counterproductive.

Consider how you are using your time, determine which pieces are indeed value generating and cut out or off load the rest to someone else.

Ways you can add value by investing in yourself is to step outside your area of expertise, learning something new, develop a new skill, be intentional about being intuitive….start with small investments so you can experience success.  Keep challenging yourself to take it up a notch and every time you do your value will increase along with your value to your firm and your value to your clients.