ProLegal Team

Julia Loonsfoot

Legal Billing Specialist and Principal
With a degree in Legal Office Administration, Julia started providing legal billing services while at McShane & Bowie, PLC, in Grand Rapids, MI in 2001. She left McShane & Bowie and joined ProLegal in 2010. Julia serves as ProLegal’s lead billing specialist and has experience across all supported billing platforms and e-billing systems. Her passion is building relationships with our clients.

Hillary Hiler

Legal Billing Specialist
With a background in medical billing, Hillary joined ProLegal in 2016 and has experience across all supported billing platforms and e-billing systems as well.

Gary Rose

Gary has a wealth of business experience including serving as President of Meritage Hospitality Group, Inc., a publicly traded company. Gary brings vision and strength in business processes to the ProLegal leadership.

Doug Poland

Attorney, Founder and Principal
With a degree in Computer Science, Doug founded ProLegal in 2009 as a partner at McShane & Bowie, PLC, in Grand Rapids, MI. Always looking for ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness, Doug saw the value to the law firm of outsourcing billing services to enable the firm to focus on providing legal services.