
About Us

Founded in 2009, ProLegal provides legal billing services to law firms across the U.S. on a variety of legal billing software platforms. Our focus on billing services is the basis of our success and stability. It is with a great source of pride that, while we have grown over the years, we still provide billing services to our very first client.

Streamline Your Billing Process Effortlessly

At ProLegal Systems, we understand the complexities and time-consuming nature of legal billing. With our experienced legal billing specialists, we simplify and improve the efficiency of your billing process, allowing you to focus on what you do best – practicing law. From managing intricate LEDES billing requirements to integrating with your existing software, we’ve got you covered.

Tailored Billing Solutions That Fit Your Firm

No two law firms are the same, and their billing processes are no different. We tailor our services to meet your specific needs. For some law firms we become their one-stop solution to getting their bills out each month. For other firms, we work as an additional legal billing specialist alongside their other legal billing professionals. For some clients we interface with one of their partners, for others with their COO and for still others we work with their office manager or the head of their legal billing department. We can suggest process improvements if requested or we can simply follow your established processes. Whatever your needs, we can craft a solution that fits them.

A Partner in Your Firm's Growth

With ProLegal Systems, you’re not just outsourcing your billing; you’re partnering with a team that’s committed to your firm’s success. Our services reduce overhead, improve billing accuracy, and enhance client satisfaction. Let us take care of your billing, so you can dedicate more time to your clients and grow your practice.

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