8 Traits to Become a Successful Leader and Manager

Regardless of profession you can identify common traits that link all the most successful leaders. No matter what your personal management style, if you’re a good leader, you share habits with other successful leaders and managers.  Be willing to take a look at yourself and determine where your areas are for self-improvement.  Again, as an attorney investing in yourself is one of the most important things you can do.

  1. Be self-disciplined — The best managers lead not only through instruction, but also by example. You set the standard as the role model and your staff follows your lead. Don’t be a hypocrite and tell others to do as you say, not as you do. Exercise self-discipline and set a good example for your team.
  2. Know what you can and can’t achieve — One of the most important but often overlooked traits of good managers is knowing your limits. Good managers realize they don’t know everything and delegate accordingly. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, there are alternatives to trying to do it all yourself.
  3. Value your employees — Employees who feel that their contributions are noticed and appreciated are much more likely to feel satisfied and rewarded by their work. As a manager, you need to recognize how your actions and policies affect your employees and make sure that they feel valued at all times.
  4. Be decisive — Effective managers aren’t wafflers. They make decisions and stick with them. And if these decisions turn out to be wrong in the future, they admit their mistakes and make another decision on how to get things back on track. Good leaders are sure of themselves, even to the point of faking it when they have to.
  5. Communicate clearly — Poor communication is the number one problem most people face at work. Good managers don’t leave things open to misinterpretation and confusion. They communicate clearly and effectively the first time, making sure everyone understands their roles and expectations.
  6. Be responsive — A good manager is available for his or her team. He or she will listen to employees’ problems and respond in a manner that helps them solve the issue. Don’t ignore demands or requests from your team; address them immediately. That way you’re sure to get better results.
  7. Welcome criticism — No one is perfect. No matter how good you may be, there is always room for improvement, and this is especially true of managers. Don’t be afraid to seek constructive criticism from your team. It will help make you a better overall leader.
  8. Be enthusiastic — If you’re not looking forward to coming into work each morning, how can you expect your employees to be? Find the positives in your workplace and keep enthusiasm and motivation high. Your team is sure to follow.